Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Holiday, that's all inclusive (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever you celebrate or don't!) 

Anyway, I created two characters a moose and a mouse for a Christmas type story. I haven't figured out there story yet, but they are pretty cute.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I made a Jelly fish that some how electrocutes things.  Not an educational picture, but they do sting.  Then itches, badly.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

Hope every ones thanksgiving went well! And now it's time for Christmas! I already gave myself a Christmas present last week when I went up to the Bike Doctor of Waldorf (very good selection and customer service there!), and I bought a new road bike. The weather has been beautiful outside so I have been riding like a fiend!
My bike is a different color...White, Silver, and Gold.
Although I have spent a lot of time outside I have however made an effort to get my butt in gear to paint! I did get inspired to paint a Skunk, there was a dead one on the side of the road as I biked.  Sorry that is a little morbid but, hey I got inspired to make this cute little guy!

It may be a tad simlar to Flower from Bambi. But what skunk doesn't remind you of him?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Some Halloween Fun!

My niece Kendal came over on Saturday and we had a bunch a fun painting pumpkins for Halloween!  It was her first time using paint pens and she is such girly girl she hates being messy.  Every time she got paint on her had we had wipe if off she would stop using her hand until is was clean. 

I went ahead and painted one of my own pumpkins, at first I just did your general run of the mill Frankenstein.
Then I couldn't think what to paint next so I asked Kendal "What should I paint?" She replied "I don't know, Mickey Mouse."
I got a little nostalgic on Mickey, I think that's 1930's Mickey? Needed another character and Kendal wanted one of her favorites Elmo.
Elmo was in the middle of Trick or Treating and lost his treats from being scared of Frankenstein.  I had one more space on the pumpkin and Kendal wanted a Yo Gabba Gabba character, and she is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba right now.  It is a very interesting show to say the least. The last space left on the pumpkin was behind the Frankenstein.  So of course I would make Flex the Robot a part of the angry mob trying to save his friends from the Frankenstein.
It was a fun day, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

cliff hanger

How far would you go to save your kitty? Apparently far if he climbed up a cliff.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm getting antsy!

Wow, I'm rather disappointed in myself.  I have not painted anything in two weeks! For me that is quite a long time, but I have been venturing into some of my other artistic abilities working on graphics at my day job and doing some tattoos for friends and family.  It's interesting jumping to and from various forms of art, it's a strange feeling going from paper to skin or from skin to paper.  Drawing/tattooing on skin you have to design to the contours of the body. On paper your trying to emulate those shapes and curves to give the illusion your drawing a body.  It reminds me of Rene Magritte's "This is not a pipe".
I'm not actually ever making something real, although I do get rather caught up in my characters sometimes. A tattoo I did recently on my friend Dan, I and my very talented and good friend Rob collaborated on.  Dan got a tattoo of his "son", I place that in quotations marks because it's not really his son it is just a image placed on his skin.  It was a fun design that I can't wait to finish! His little boy is sitting beside a rocketship (Rob's handy work!) looking into space (Rob's planets!) with thoughts of big hopes and dreams that I'm sure his wonderful father will help him to fulfill. Tattoo's like this remind me of what is real in this life even if on paper or skin you add a little make believe.
It's going to look so good finished! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Character Study

I feel as though I need to work on the different facal expression of one particular character more than what I have been lately. To show that I can draw a single character consistently in different scenes and with different moods. Hopefully some more drawings like this can show my versatility as an illustrator and prove to a Publisher or an Art Director that I could create their vision for a children's book and have characters look consistent throughout an entire story.
He looks like a Chuck to me. Or maybe just stick with Charlie?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

mischievous porcupines

Porcupines just like to get a cheap laugh once in a while.
Final Product.

Line Drawing.

Monday, July 4, 2011

drive responsibly

Scooters and motorcycles seem like a fun way to get from place to place, however, some scooter and motorcycle drivers that I have seen on my way to and from work are ridiculous.  One piece of advice, do not drive your scooter or motorcycle as though your asking to get hit!  Don't cut someone off, don't drive in between two cars, the dotted line is not a lane for you.  It is to divided the road into two lanes, stay in one of those lanes.  Most people seem to worry about me and my own interest in getting a motorcycle one day.  So scared of people driving big cars and trucks around me, those who might not be paying close attention.  As a driver myself I pay close attention but many times I feel like motocycle and scooter drivers drive recklessly because they take advantage of those of us who do pay closer attention.  Yes, I do pay attention so I don't hit and injure you or worse kill you, but that doesn't give you license to drive your motorcycle or scooter like an idiot!!!  Drive responsibly please!
Step One: Line Work...Rolling Hills, Mountain and City Scape.

Step Two:  Color!  Vibrant Greens and a Ruby Red Scooter.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Swing And A Miss

I remember the days when I played tee-ball.  It was always embarrassing when you didn't hit the ball and just hit the tee and it made that 'thunk!' noise just to reinforce that you didn't hit the ball!
I made her play for the Pittsburgh Pirates.  I wanted to go to one of their games just for the pierogi races. Not really for the Pirates, lol.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Swamp People

Colonel Sanders: "Why are alligators so angry?"
Waterboy:  "Momma said alligators are so angry becuase they got all dem teeth but no toothbrush."
Colonel Sanders:  "Haha, well Momma's wrong!!!"

This latest installment was inspired by the many Thursday nights my father and I watch a little show called Swamp People and also the Waterboy of coarse.  The cast of the show go around the Lousiana Bayou hunting what else, Alligators!!!  I'm now kind of curious what alligator meat taste like.  They always show Troy making jambalaya with alligator meat, plus another guy earlier this week made it on to the show Master Chef with his alligator jambalaya. Looked good actually. 

It was strange, that guy on Master Chef said he had eaten and cooked just about anything and everything, but he drew the line a Possum.  Hmm, wonder what's so gross about Possum? 

It says 'Swamp Dentistry' on the sign if you have trouble reading it on screen.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Turtle! Turtle!

This little guy I'm trying to think of a name for.  He's clearly a racing Turtle and no he is not going to race a Hare that's been done before.  I'll take suggestions, I was thinking maybe Jiffy, like the comic on Chelsea Lately.

Friday, May 27, 2011

my most recent work

Well I actually have a lot of work that is very recent, I'm just now finally posting this onto the internet for all the world to see!  I love mountain biking myself, I wish I lived in a more moutainous area to ride.  Instead I live in a very flat area of Maryland.

my official website

You can find more of my pieces of artwork at  It's still in the process of being beautified so, I hope you enjoy what is up for now but it's definitley going to change!

I'm gonna give this a whirl

I always have found it strange to do a blog.  Talking aimlessly about whatever is on your mind and hoping someone in the world reads it.  But, here I'm not really going to be talking about nothing.  This blogs purpose is to showcase my artwork.  So I will be posting illustions that I've done and the process of how I come up with these crazies characters!  I really want to do childrens illustrations and I have big dreams of one day being published.  I hope it happens, but it is not going to if I don't show my work and put myself out there.  Whether I face praise or great rejection it will take any feedback in stride.  If your reading this right now thank you for your time!  Wish me luck!